Podcast with Paritosh Part 2
Podcast Title: "Future of Workand AI Impact with Paritosh"
Summary: In this podcast episode withParitosh, the discussion delves into the impact of AI on the future of work.
Paritosh explains how AI is currently aiding productivity, from content
creation to code generation, and predicts that while some jobs may become
redundant due to AI, high emotional intelligence (IEQ) jobs like teaching,
medicine, and sales will remain in human hands. Looking ahead, Paritosh envisions
a future where AI and human consciousness might intersect, creating a realm of
possibilities that could drastically reshape work and life as we know it.
In the "Future of Work and AIImpact" podcast episode, Paritosh elaborates on AI's present and future
implications. He underscores AI's role in enhancing productivity across
industries and its potential to redefine job roles, especially those requiring
emotional intelligence. While acknowledging the possible displacement of some
jobs, Paritosh emphasizes the unique value humans bring to high EQ professions.
Looking forward, he discusses the profound impact AI could have in the coming
decades, envisioning scenarios where AI interfaces with human consciousness,
transforming the nature of work and possibilities beyond our current
understanding. The discussion underscores the evolving relationship between AI
and human endeavours, marking both challenges and exciting prospects for the
[00:00:00] Paritosh: Yeah. So that, that exactly is thatis how you should think about transformations, right?
[00:00:07] Paritosh: Transformation should be, shouldhave a snowball effect, right? You start very small, you do one thing, and then
you build on top of it. It's an iterative process. So that what, to transform
is very important to many times. I've seen leaders try to transform an overall
business line, right? They'll build, I've seen products being built, wherein
you are running five different startups in one go and trying to build that in
three months.
[00:00:31] Paritosh: Which is not the right way to do it.You have to start small iterate, build on top of it take the voice of customer
into account. Look at what is working, what is not working and be very rude
brutal about things which are not working and then build on top of what is
working, right? So that what of transformation, where to start, what to do, how
to build upon it, that is important.
[00:00:55] Paritosh: And then the third is how, right?How Is the [00:01:00] most underrated part ofdigital transformations, which is, which concerns the culture of the company.
How do you want to do it? Who will exactly lead it? How will you get new people
in? Will you use your own people? How do you plan to, if you are creating a new
entity, how do you plan to create this entity?
[00:01:19] Paritosh: Which has a life of its own, right?The actual logistics of doing it, it is very important. And I, have seen a few
transformations where in The traditional guys come in, right? And they want to
run business the way businesses were run before in a non digital world, right?
That is not how it works.
[00:01:40] Paritosh: I'm not saying that traditionalpeople from the old business cannot run new businesses, but you just have to
shift. You have to shift. In your mind that this is a new opportunity, this is
a blue ocean I go in and then I change things the way it is. And you have to
have that itch of solving things which [00:02:00]cannot be solved using traditional methods.
[00:02:02] Paritosh: I think if you have got these threequestions figured out most of it is possible. I've seen large companies
transform and build things, which which are like really, valuable, both for the
stakeholders and for the end users. So it's just that you have to be very
careful of why you're transforming, what you're transforming, and how you're
[00:02:25] Andrew Liew: I think let's, look at the firstthree that you mentioned, like why, I think it's obvious given that most people
will tell you, yeah, I want to grow my business, grow profits, find new sources
of revenue, or make it more efficient, like maybe cutting costs in that sense.
I think the second one is the more interesting one, like the what and a lot of
times, like you said the, minimum viable product model, like the fuel.
[00:02:47] Andrew Liew: Skateboard before you build abike before you build a bicycle, motorbike before you build a car now the thing
about some of the executives that I used to work with or even consult is that
because the [00:03:00] model the mental model intheir head is is I call it maybe the legacy of old school. So when they think
mbp or Oh, I want to build let's say I want to build a rocket Before they even
think about building a a prototype, how do you respond to that?
[00:03:19] Andrew Liew: How do you get them to think ofsomething small to start with instead of oh, this is this grandiose? All these
things, we're just going to go for it everybody trying to build something,
nothing works.
[00:03:29] Paritosh: So see the, there is this verywonderful thing about we engineers do a lot of wonderful things to satisfy the
business's appetite, right?
[00:03:40] Paritosh: There's a very wonderful thingcalled product backlog.
[00:03:42] Paritosh: Put everything in the productbacklog and jokes apart, right? That is a, that is the way you work with the
people who have got grand ambitions, but don't know how to prioritize in terms
of the effort, it will take the impact. It will be effort versus impact that [00:04:00] that is where you want to convince people.
[00:04:02] Paritosh: And say that, okay, this will takethis much effort and the impact of this is very high. So let's take all the
high impact, low effort things. It's easier said than done. I know, but it's
not impossible. I've seen that work. I've worked I've built. Products in this
model and I, see that a lot of business leaders.
[00:04:22] Paritosh: When you tell them exactly, they'll,they are numbers guys, right? You give them the numbers and you convince them
with numbers and acts and not just that it will not work, right? That is not
something any business leader will want to know. You need to give them the
facts, the numbers and how you want to plan it.
[00:04:41] Paritosh: There's a roadmap. This is how itwill look like in the next two years, three years. You will get you what you
want to get, maybe not exactly in the shape that you want, because the users
want something else, right? So we will build it. It will take time, but let's start.
Then we'll start here, wherever the most impact is.
[00:04:59] Paritosh: [00:05:00]So it's not it's, it is doable. We have done it and I've seen a lot of good
products come out of it. Okay,
[00:05:07] Andrew Liew: now the coming back to like yousay the how the culture. In order for this kind of like digital transformation
to work effectively, where is it building a product in a startup or even in a
big company?
[00:05:17] Andrew Liew: Like, how do you, what is youradvice to executives and leaders to enable the balance between accountability
and psychological safety? Because on one hand, accountability is to get things
done and show that you're delivering. But if you want to build something a
little bit crazy or out of the norm, you have to take risks and people say, Oh,
[00:05:38] Andrew Liew: Just try do it. Try do it. So howdo you calibrate between these
[00:05:41] Paritosh: two? Yeah. Again, so that also comesdown to what is the risk versus reward, right? So I'm a trader now. I do a lot.
I take a lot of trades. I do intraday swing everything. So it all comes down to
how much risk am I taking and what are the possible, what is the [00:06:00] possible reward out of it?
[00:06:01] Paritosh: If the risk doesn't make sense forthe expected outcome, right? E of X is not that high. I don't want to go on
that X. That is how all. So the people who are actually running the digital
transformation, they need they need a very high show of trust from leadership.
Don't worry, you have got your quota of risk that you can take.
[00:06:25] Paritosh: This is the money that you can burn.And I will not ask you questions till the time you tell me why you are burning
it. What is the expected outcome from this? And if this quota gets over, I will
give you more than me, but then I'll become stricter, right? That's the risk
that you are quantifying for the guys who are actually executing it.
[00:06:46] Paritosh: And once you quantify a risk,everybody knows what to do with it, right? Even the N minus ones and N minus
twos were there. They have been doing this for a long time. And when they are
interested with doing something like [00:07:00]this with the quantified risk and a trust shown that, okay, I'll back you up no
matter what as long as you're doing the right things and you have got something
in mind, which will come out of it.
[00:07:10] Paritosh: I think all moonshot ideas startwith risk reward ratios, right? So even Elon Musk burned through so many
rockets just to get, land one, right? But then once he landed one, it is like a
golden egg laying goose, right? It can keep going on forever and ever. So
that's how it is.
[00:07:29] Andrew Liew: Yeah, like you just reminded me,not just Elon Musk, even Jeff Bezos, I mean he once said, right?
[00:07:34] Andrew Liew: Everybody, now knows that theAmazon Web Services is a unicorn to the Amazon group. But Amazon started with
selling books, which is the MVP, right? A website just to sell books and then
eventually move on to selling all items and then eventually selling web
services. And one of the famous thing that people often forgot is the Amazon
Kindle phone.
[00:07:54] Andrew Liew: It was a like a multi billion dollarAnd even Jeff Bezos was like, [00:08:00] likespending his old 24 7 for almost three years and Oh, we discovered forget about
it. Let's just do something. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:08:08] Paritosh: So that, that's where the tradermindset comes into the picture, right? You have to give him your stop loss no
matter what, whatever you're thinking.
[00:08:17] Paritosh: If you have a logical stop loss inmind that this is where I'll, I've quantified my risk, right? This is where
I'll get out of this trade. However Rosie, the picture, maybe I'll get back in
some other day when things become better. If things are looking better, I'll
get back into the trade, but right now I'll cut my losses and income.
[00:08:36] Paritosh: That is how leadership thing. Andthat's very important when it comes to taking risks, like you said. How do we
take in finite? We, can't take in finite amount of this. We can only take
quantified finite amount of risk and post that we just work on it. So yeah that
can be done
[00:08:56] Andrew Liew: Cool.
[00:08:57] Andrew Liew: So let's move to the nextinteresting question. What do you think? [00:09:00]Where is ai or artificial intelligence? In a process of digital transformation.
[00:09:05] Paritosh: So see in current stage AI is in itsinfancy, right? AI can of course help in productivity gains. For example, we
use it a lot for our content creation.
[00:09:16] Paritosh: Our engineers, use it to solve bugsand create, generate code for new features they are working on. Our marketing
team uses it to generate everything from hashtags to add ideas. We are also
building our own knowledge graph with the LLMs at the backend to help our end
users ask questions directly to our AI bot.
[00:09:37] Paritosh: I can offline share what it can dowith you. We are going to launch it very soon. Very soon. Similarly, different
industries will find different ways to explore AI productivity gains in the
short term. But the actual fun lies in the long term, wherein AI will actually
be able to understand factual data, [00:10:00]derive insights from it, and then drive actions using this insight.
[00:10:03] Paritosh: Right now, it is only predictingwhat next to say or what next to visualize. But if it can derive insights like
humans do and then drive actions. That is amazing. Like sample this. Right now
you can make a step by step execution plan on chat GPT, right? You can tell it,
I want to build this product.
[00:10:23] Paritosh: What is the product backlog? It willcreate a backlog and give it to you. And I know it's a bit too early and things
are still shaky, but they will get better and things will be interconnected,
right? So in a few years to come a business leader may say, create a new age
business based on idle hours on my shop floor.
[00:10:43] Paritosh: It's like a totally blue sky idea,which you right now ask, give millions of dollars to management consultants to
come and do it for you. But at some point in time, AI will crunch the numbers,
create a few [00:11:00] strategies, weighchances of success, find out vendors, distributors, execute the strategy and
monitor for performance.
[00:11:07] Paritosh: It can tweak, right? Tweak here andthere till the business becomes a success, right? So it's like that. It's
labyrinth repeat. So you, get AI to do things which are more data oriented.
Humans have their own biases, right? AI doesn't have that. So that unless we
build that, right? But it, will be a perfect consultant advisor.
[00:11:30] Paritosh: It will be a perfect executor in thedays to come. Right now it's I don't think it will take my job away in the next
15 years, 20 years of my life. Work life left. I don't think it's going to do
that, but yes, it will change a lot for the next generation, the way they
behave, the way the work is.
[00:11:51] Paritosh: So that, that will change a lot.
[00:11:53] Andrew Liew: So you belong to the morepositive schools of thought, right? It's like the Jack Ma thing [00:12:00] AI will do good, create more constructivegood instead of the good old days when Jack Ma and Enozma was debating, and
Enozma's school of thought is, no man, we should really be afraid of the AI.
[00:12:10] Andrew Liew: They will be like the Terminator,as we've seen in Hollywood. They're gonna kick us. They're gonna pull the plug.
[00:12:15] Paritosh: See, AI is just a tool, right? Atthe end of the day, we are the masters. I don't think AI will gain
consciousness and it'll become . I dunno, maybe it'll, who knows? But at least
as of today, we have that kill switch.
[00:12:29] Paritosh: We can turn off the power andeverything poof goes away. But. I would certainly like to believe that the way
technology has been for every nuclear we did two nuclear explosions, right? Two
nuclear bombs were dropped till date, hopefully no more, right? But we did a
lot more with that nuclear energy that came out of it.
[00:12:51] Paritosh: The science which came out of it,right? I, believe that I personally believe that technology in the right hands
and mostly people are [00:13:00] good, right?Unless you force them not to be good. So mostly people are good. And on the
balance, people will use technology for good and betterment of humankind.
[00:13:10] Paritosh: And I think that future, if notrosy, it is certainly much better than what we are living right now. Great,
[00:13:18] Andrew Liew: to know that you are comfortingthe audience that it will be better off with using AI, even though we just put
some guard rails on it. So now the interesting next question is what do you
think about the impact of AI on the future of work?
[00:13:31] Andrew Liew: How would what look like into 10years, 20 years later with AI transforming us? Yeah.
[00:13:38] Paritosh: So I think let me take two views,right? One is the work life I have left in my lifetime, say maybe 15, 20 years
from now. And the one that my son Siddhant will live, he will start working,
say, 20 years from now and work 15 years from now and work for 30 more years.[00:14:00]
[00:14:00] Paritosh: So it's more like pragmatic versusphilosophy, how things would be versus how things can. So in my lifetime, I
think AI will make things better for the kind of jobs we are accustomed to. It
will make it easier and faster. And to some extent also redundant repetitive
jobs requiring low EQ will be handed over to AI.
[00:14:21] Paritosh: But I very firmly believe at leastin our work life high IEQ jobs like teaching medical medicine practice sales
actual sales final closing of the deal all of this will be handled by humans.
The machines gain consciousness, right? When they become, say, sentient, I
don't know what will happen, but till then all of this will be with humans
assisted by AI.
[00:14:47] Paritosh: Giving a lot of productivity gains.Unfortunately that means some percentage of us will be out of jobs. That is a
reality that you can't deny that or wish that away, [00:15:00]but we will find better things for people to do. People who will adapt to this
will have a better future in the next coming 15, 20 years, people who won't
they will have to find other ways to earn their living and do things that they
want to do.
[00:15:16] Paritosh: But things The more I think what myson's life will be, the more it becomes sci fi, right? The more it becomes
philosophical, transcendental. It's his generation will have jobs that we can't
even imagine, right? Like our parents never thought that people can earn their
living by clicking photographs of them having dinner.
[00:15:37] Paritosh: We have influencers now. They aremaking much more money than you and I do. You are right. But the kind of jobs that
our children will have will be very different from what we do. And that is why
the kind of education which is there right now, wherein you have to learn
things, wherein you have to.
[00:15:55] Paritosh: I think writing will be a skillwhich will be for the hobbies. [00:16:00]You'll never need to write. You'll not need even, you would unless you are a
coder, I think even coding will be through verbalizing what you want to do,
right? So a lot of things will be verbalized. Siddhant's generation will have a
very different life than what we are.
[00:16:16] Paritosh: Living right now. And I think ours,our generation is that plumbing generation, right? We are creating those
pipelines for the next generations to To live a much more fruitful life than we
have we are building, we built internet, right? The highway of knowledge
transfer. We we built IOT, we built digital twins, we built basic building
blocks of AI, the metaverse.
[00:16:44] Paritosh: Blockchain, right? Smartcontracting. We, built we built a very rudimentary way of traveling in the
space, right? We are building. Ours is a ours is a generation which is here to
make things better for the next generation, right? We have seen [00:17:00] that shift. We are building for that shiftand the next generation which comes in.
[00:17:04] Paritosh: I think if you ask me it's a verytall claim that I'm making, but I think ours is the last generation to have a
mortal life, at least in the way that we are, right? We, see mortality think
about this, right? Something like a neural link. You already have AI, which is
working on computers, which are so powerful that they can generate visualize
and generate both text and audio and video and a lot of things which only
humans could do.
[00:17:36] Paritosh: But what if these, this computepower becomes so powerful that with Neuralink's help, you can upload your
consciousness. And then it starts living there, right? Things like that can
happen. It will, it is a wild idea, but yes. Their generation may live that
[00:17:54] Andrew Liew: Let's talk about that. I don'tknow why you watched there was this Hollywood movie called Transcendence.
[00:17:59] Andrew Liew: Yeah. [00:18:00]That and yeah, exactly like that, where this scientist, he. This cover, this a
way of wiring all his memories into the computer and it becomes sentient with
the machine and eventually he tried to clone his own being to transfer back
from the sentient internet world to the physical world.
[00:18:21] Andrew Liew: Yeah.
[00:18:22] Paritosh: Yeah. I've seen that movie. Amazingmovie. I, would see the way technology works, right? We may not be able to
imagine how things will be in the future because we are bound by things that we
see, right? Human beings are pattern recognizers. We recognize patterns and we
build patterns on top of that.
[00:18:40] Paritosh: If we have not seen something, we'llnot be able to visualize it at all. That is why all aliens have got two feet
and they, have a two years and they
[00:18:48] Paritosh: Think about this movie back to thefuture, right? In that movie, my second one when he comes back, he has got this
big TV where from which he can do video calls. So we could [00:19:00] imagine that there will be video calls,but we could not imagine that it will be done on a. device, which will be the
size of your palm.
[00:19:07] Paritosh: So that is how things are, thingschange. So right now, when I'm imagining this, I'm imagining it as a computer
supercomputer lying somewhere with lots of GPUs, with flops per seconds processing
your consciousness and giving you access to the data that we as humans can
never have. When you intermingle human beings consciousness with AI's reach of
data, it becomes something which is super like a super power, right?
[00:19:35] Paritosh: It's superhuman. So all of that ispossible, but we right now cannot imagine how it will be. It will look like I,
we don't know how. Things will be, say, 30, 40 years down down the line. And
when I was a kid the best thing I could think of was having a a computer with a
slightly more power to run my DOS games, right?
[00:19:58] Paritosh: now. Now [00:20:00]we have my son plays metaverse games, right? Where the, in the metaverse, then
they talk outside outside of the screen. That's how things have changed. And 40
years down, we don't know what it will be. And AI AI for all the compute power
that AI is just the just the tip of the iceberg.
[00:20:21] Paritosh: There's a lot that is happening inthe. In the layers beneath it, the kind of computing power we are building, the
kind of technologies we are building to process data at this speed, the kind of
interfaces we are building to to interact with this sort of computational
engine, right?
[00:20:40] Paritosh: We don't need to code. You tell AIwhat you want to do, at least as of now, right? It will do it for you. It will
at least reply. So things which we have not seen, we don't know how it will be.
If you look at how Siri was or Alexa was versus what chat GPT is, [00:21:00] it's a generational shift within 10 years inthe next 40 years, who knows what will happen in the future of work is.
[00:21:07] Paritosh: It's very different because AI willevolve and it will actually be intelligence right now. Right now it's just a
very clever pattern recognizer, which replicates whatever comes to it with a
very high degree of accuracy, but it will actually have intelligence. It will
crunch data, it will drive, derive insights, it will start building its own
pathways to get better at doing this.
[00:21:34] Paritosh: And I think it will be verydifferent. We have not, we can't imagine what the future of work will be. So I
think you,