Podcast with Hisyam Part 4
Discover the fascinating world of online work environmentsand the future of collaboration in this captivating podcast episode. Join
Andrew and Hisyam as they delve into the importance of team bonding and
communication, offering valuable insights on converting an internship into a
job offer. Explore the exciting role of artificial intelligence in
transcription tools and scheduling software, and gain a deeper understanding of
the metaverse's connection to blockchain technology. Don't miss out on this
engaging discussion that will expand your knowledge and inspire you to embrace
the possibilities of the digital age. Tune in now to unlock a wealth of
valuable information and intriguing perspectives.
In this podcast episode, Andrew and Hisyam discuss theimportance of team bonding and communication in both online and offline work
environments. They explore the benefits of online internships, such as saving
commuting time and allowing for personal hobbies and side projects. Hisyam
shares insights on converting an internship into a job offer, emphasizing clear
communication, objective setting, and building rapport with team members. The
conversation also touches on the role of artificial intelligence in
transcription tools and scheduling software with recommendation engines. They
discuss the metaverse and its connection to blockchain technology, highlighting
the potential for partnerships between metaverse and online companies to
enhance user experiences.
[00:00:00] Andrew Liew: So there's a lot of team buildingand record building that is needed for online engagement. And do you think that
this is very important that leaders and managers... Encourage this kind of
online or offline team bonding and not just work what are your thoughts on
[00:00:16] Andrew Liew: Yeah,
[00:00:17] Hisyam: so because definitely when you workfrom home the bridge between or the the gap between work and work at home is
very thin, right? Because sometimes I find that during work from home you may
be working more hours as compared to the normal work hours when you do it
outside where it was for when I was in an IBM internship it was more like 9 you
are free
[00:00:38] Hisyam: to go home all that stuff. There'smore like a barrier between work it's more of
[00:00:43] Andrew Liew: a... I still remember that youtold me that you were living in a very far place, like a chow car and and IBM
was in, in Changi. It's if you do a two and four, it's almost like a three
hours of your day commuting, right?
[00:00:54] Andrew Liew: I don't know, what are yourthoughts on that?
[00:00:55] Hisyam: Yeah, so definitely time was wastedduring the [00:01:00] commuting commutingsessions every single day, but I think to bridge that or to to to read a book
or do other activities during that during those community sessions.
[00:01:10] Hisyam: Yeah, and back then there wasn't therewasn't the blue light as what it as what it was available now. From
Cheocheokang to Changi Business Park, it took... It took maybe like an hour and
a half to actually reach there with a lot of train changes in between.
[00:01:24] Hisyam: Right now I think it, it definitelytakes less time to do this.
[00:01:27] Andrew Liew: Now that even if you're at AWSinternship, it's Just the press of a button with the internet, right? So that's
only one and a half hours, back and forth, three hours. So you save three hours
and most okay, minus the wait 10 minutes just to switch on the laptops and
[00:01:41] Andrew Liew: So do you think that extra twoand a half hours of commute time saved actually was beneficial to you? Yeah.
[00:01:49] Hisyam: I guess you could say that because theextra two to three hours you can actually do a lot of different things for
example work on your side projects for the two to three hours after work.
[00:01:59] Hisyam: [00:02:00]Or you can actually work on you can actually do a bit of your hobbies, you love
Lego building, or you love to build sometimes you love to build maybe mobile
games or online games that kind of thing. Maybe hobbies like that, you can
actually pursue those hobbies during these 2 3 hours of coding.
[00:02:16] Hisyam: So I think...
[00:02:17] Andrew Liew: Definitely it's it
[00:02:18] Hisyam: definitely be beneficial for thisgetting these hours back as compared to communicate at a point of time.
[00:02:24] Andrew Liew: Yeah. Yeah. I think, don't youthink that those two to three hours, you in the AWS days where you save, you
actually use it to take your certificates?
[00:02:31] Andrew Liew: I don't know. What do you think?Yeah,
[00:02:32] Hisyam: I think those that, that's a very goodpoint. Either taking certificate or working on site projects or networking.
Troubleshooting of the various problems that may arise. I think can more time
can be spent in these areas or these aspects, yeah.
[00:02:46] Andrew Liew: But then how would you say thatyou end up working more hours on an online internship? Is it because there's a
lot more communication and a lot more meetings that you notice, whether is it
studying [00:03:00] online or working online?
[00:03:01] Hisyam: Yeah. For if you're studying orworking online, then there are...
[00:03:04] Hisyam: There may be a lot more meetingstravel day because sometimes and meetings may take longer because sometimes we
sometimes if we don't bring a point across as clearly, we have to we have to
either rephrase or we have to spend more time to actually Understand each other
in terms of what we are trying to communicate across.
[00:03:24] Hisyam: Definitely, more time you spend maybescreen sharing would solve this problem. But also at the same time more time
you spend in actually doing a lot of this communication trying to bring our
point across towards both parties. And especially this especially comes it's
very important when there are various, instead of two parties, there may be
two, two to two or more parties inside.
[00:03:46] Hisyam: For example five different independentparties within the call. So most of them at any point of time most of us may
not be on the same page or following up the conversation. So sometimes we find
ourselves more repeating some of the points so [00:04:00]that a lot of us will be on the same page.
[00:04:02] Hisyam: So I think those are the ones thatthose are response that is different as compared to an offline internship. What
about documentation would documentation help to mitigate the excessive need for
communication in an online environment? I don't know what your thoughts are.
[00:04:18] Andrew Liew: Documentation
[00:04:20] Hisyam: Plays a role also. I think I used alot of this communication tools because there are transcribers out there that
can actually transcribe the conversation for you. Where you can actually
transcribe the whole conversation and then you can actually document it at the
end when let's say if you have after the meeting, you want to actually go back
to a particular point of time.
[00:04:40] Hisyam: Some important points that you want toreview in the previous meeting, you can actually go back in the transcription
to actually see what are the points that you've missed. But also documentation
plays a role, and at the same time, a lot of this software new software,
transcription software actually plays a very huge role in making you being more
efficient in your [00:05:00] communications,and at the same time making it documented.
[00:05:02] Hisyam: And also to review it after everymeeting. Yeah, so I think that speeds up the process of summarization. Let's
say after the meeting you want to summarize all of these different pointers
that have been communicated through the meeting itself. Definitely a lot of software
tools are popping up every single day that helps us with this process.
[00:05:21] Hisyam: So I think one of the tools that I usea lot is Quake. And also Notion a documenting documentation tool. So I think I
use Notion now one of these because I love
[00:05:30] Andrew Liew: the user experience. Is itcommonly used in AWS or do they have a AWS tool, something like Notion?
[00:05:35] Hisyam: Yeah they do have their ownproprietary tools within within AWS.
[00:05:39] Hisyam: But for me I prefer Notion itselfbecause it's more... I keep it. And also the UI is I love the ui. And at the
same time you can actually share export it to various document formats at at
the end of your documentation
[00:05:53] Andrew Liew: process. Okay. What else?
[00:05:55] Andrew Liew: Yeah okay. Coming back to theinternship experience, yes it's great experience for you [00:06:00] because it's also not just onlinelearning. Getting to know great people, but there's also a lot of offline to
build bonds to make communication better. Like you said, an offline internship
you have more time commute, now the time commute being safe.
[00:06:13] Andrew Liew: You can do learning, do your sideprojects, which is great in online learning, online internship. Tell us more
about how do you eventually convert your internship into a offer? Yeah, so I
[00:06:25] Hisyam: one of the Ways to do that is actuallyto do very well in your day to day work. I think that's one of the key points,
actually, to do well.
[00:06:33] Hisyam: And at the same time at the same time,have very clear communication. For example, have very clear objectives on what
you want to achieve. Throughout your the internship process. I think that's one
of the, one of the ways to actually to actually get that conversion. And at the
same time Actually build rapport with your team.
[00:06:49] Hisyam: Because sometimes you may not knowthat you may not know your whole team. So it's very important to actually have
Reach out to them, have have a chat with them have a coffee session. [00:07:00] Sometimes to team members that you don'tmeet often because sometimes you never know what you can learn from them or you
never know what what you can help each other with at that point of time.
[00:07:09] Hisyam: So definitely reach out there and takeinitiative to to help other people, take initiative to, to do to work on
various projects. And definitely, yeah. So I think these are the key pointers
to help people. Not only in in the industry, in AWS, but also I think in the
ships everywhere.
[00:07:26] Hisyam: You can, you, you have to takeinitiative to, to to do well in the ship. Don't just be static. I think that's
just waiting for what to come to you. That's I think that's... That, that is
okay, that's required, but definitely there will be times where you can go out
of your comfort zone to actually learn something new or to work on projects
you've never worked on before and these are the areas where it differentiates
yourself from the crowd.
[00:07:52] Andrew Liew: Okay, cool. Let me ask anotherinteresting question because you also dabble in artificial intelligence, and
what [00:08:00] is your view on the on the useof artificial intelligence for the future of
[00:08:04] Hisyam: work? Yeah, that's a good question.For me, personally, I did a I did work on my, an artificial intelligence
project during my final year project in in MTU.
[00:08:14] Hisyam: What I did was actually to predict Thenext day prices of cryptocurrency in the crypto capacity market over there with
a with a pricing model. Yeah. Over actually training with NLP and a few machine
learning models doing my final year. So we, I worked on it for a whole year.
[00:08:30] Hisyam: So I think definitely I see thatdifferent tools because more even now there are platforms such as ke. There are
platforms such as a lot of data sets that you can find either online or offline
in maybe the government websites there, there are a real data sets that you can
use to do a lot of data analysis and to actually apply a few of AI or ML models
to, to these various data sets to do something useful and I see that this, [00:09:00] would get even easier with let's say withall the models.
[00:09:05] Hisyam: All the ML and NLP models are actuallyopen source right now. Actually NLP models from Google and various other
companies are actually open source for the general public to use. So I think
even more so that you can actually use, make use of these models to perform
something useful in terms of the use case different use cases that you may face
in your day to day problems, whether be it at work.
[00:09:27] Hisyam: Or be it in in, as a student inschool. Let me try to communicate it clearly to the audience out there. So
let's say in the future, like you mentioned we noticed that just not just you
but me and a lot of other folks on, as we work in a remote first world a lot of
online work.
[00:09:43] Andrew Liew: We need to communicate a lot moreand therefore you mentioned about there's a lot of transcribing software and
transcribing Basically our voice converts to text and it converts to a specific
language like using natural language It could be to from english to japanese or
english to [00:10:00] chinese and that's one ofthe ways to improve the communication to enable understanding of a specific
instruction or specification so that every team member, whether you're working
in coding or a scientist or a marketer or human resource, we get the same
things done, right?
[00:10:18] Andrew Liew: Do you think that there will be alot more of such use cases? In the, in this area to enable work in a remote
world better, or like you mentioned about, for example supervised machine
learning, do you think that because there's a lot more situation in which
there's a lot of different meetings and people needs to have online meetings
and offline session to build bonds, do you think that in the future there will
be a lot of scheduling software application that will recommend, let's say,
Hisha, maybe today you need to talk to the manager to build a bond.
[00:10:52] Andrew Liew: Tomorrow you need to talk to aclient to do a certain session. So there's a recommendation engine for
different time slots for the future of work. [00:11:00]What are your thoughts on this? I think
[00:11:01] Hisyam: That's that's a totally differentthing
[00:11:04] Hisyam: For scheduling sessions betweenvarious people.
[00:11:07] Hisyam: Because definitely if you a schedulingsoftware the inputs... They definitely need to know the various inputs of the
people in your team, the people that you want to network with the kind of the
kind of inputs, and then output the what you mentioned, the time slots, super
fast time slots for both parties to actually meet up and communicate with each
[00:11:25] Hisyam: I think for this I do foresee that alot of this would be will still be manual at the start. Where because we
sometimes we don't even know people in our team because it's so huge. Sometimes
we don't even communicate with people in our team. Definitely, I think at the
start these tools can help out in scheduling most of these.
[00:11:46] Hisyam: But I think it's already there some ofthese let's say integrated to Outlook. The mail client software or Gmail. Yeah,
so all of this can actually be integrated to this email clients for you to
streamline [00:12:00] the process further. ButI think definitely networking and if you were to ask
[00:12:04] Andrew Liew: me, the automation of
[00:12:05] Hisyam: networking, I think that, that's quitea far fetched goal that, you know that I think we yeah, we are...
[00:12:11] Hisyam: We are still thinking too far ahead.Because definitely, I think, for networking itself is for me at this point of
time, it's quite manual, where we reach out to the people that we want to work
with. Because for the recommendation engine to work, we have to actually input
the people that we want to network with too, because they can never guess it's
based on data. So if you want to make a decision, it's actually based on data.
So definitely. We have to treat it with people that we want to network with. So
I think identifying those people will never change. I think that is something
that you have to always take initiative to, to to go out there to identify
[00:12:46] Hisyam: So once they are identified, then Ithink with these tools and processes can be simplified with AI and ML
technologies. Yeah. So that is always. The first step is always starting with
yourself to actually identify these people that you want to network [00:13:00] with, people that you want to learn fromand then from there make a plan on how you are to schedule your sessions
[00:13:06] Andrew Liew: with them.
[00:13:06] Andrew Liew: Connect people to network. You stillgotta input the data. You still gotta input something. And that starts with
you, like human beings, right? Are we talking about that? What are your
thoughts on recently Mark Zuckerberg has converted, rebranded Facebook to Meta,
and say that we're gonna move into Metaverse.
[00:13:25] Andrew Liew: Even Bill Gates in his Gatesnotes, back in December 2021, he says that in the next three to five years, in
the near future, Online meeting is no longer just a 2D screen, Zoom, Google
Hangout, or whatever communication software, but it's into the metaverse world,
where you use augmented and mixed reality to do work.
[00:13:47] Andrew Liew: What is your view on that? Yeah,I think for
[00:13:49] Hisyam: For me personally he in doing the AWSinternship, I actually met a few of my colleagues or a few of my intern friends
that actually got me interested in the cryptocurrency and blockchains. So [00:14:00] over there, that's where I learned moreabout this metaverse metaverse universe all these different other games.
[00:14:05] Hisyam: Because they are closely related toblockchain technology. If If you were to research some of the Metaverse
companies it's actually closely related to, to, to
[00:14:15] Andrew Liew: blockchain. Definitely I see thatall these Metaverse companies that are springing up day by day, they will have
in the near future, I think highly likely that we will have partnerships with a
lot of these huge companies that are moving to to the online world to create a
very good user experience.
[00:14:32] Hisyam: For the user to actually to actuallymake it a seamless process to replicate what we have in the real world, to to,
to this online, to this new online augmented and active show reality that that
we are going to create. Yeah, so I think one of the challenges over there is
actually, firstly, the user experience, because I'm not sure if you've tried
Quest 2.
[00:14:53] Hisyam: By
[00:14:53] Andrew Liew: Facebook. I don't know, have youtried Ocular three, but all these augmented reality gadgets? Yeah. Yeah. I
tried. Tell me more about it.[00:15:00]
[00:15:00] Hisyam: Yeah, I actually paid a few dates onit and I think one of the most most challenging outcomes that you can, that,
that this poses or this artificial intelligence headset process, actually the
the time limit that you have of this because there comes to a time where it's
actually for a very short duration.
[00:15:17] Hisyam: For me personally, I would get verynauseous after a certain period of time.
[00:15:22] Andrew Liew: You get what, sorry? Nauseous.Oh, righteous. Okay. Yeah.
[00:15:25] Hisyam: For this, let's see, if I use theheadset for 15 minutes, then I get very nauseous. I need to take off the
headset. You can't really use it for a long period of time, I would say.
[00:15:35] Hisyam: 24 hours a day.
[00:15:36] Hisyam: That's quite that's quite a challengeyeah, Along that line, I don't know whether you watched that Elon Musk about
Neuralink where you can put a chip and then all the internet bandwidth goes to
your head. It's almost like you don't need to wear that but it's in your head.
[00:15:49] Andrew Liew: What are your thoughts on that?Yeah, I guess that's
[00:15:52] Hisyam: one of the ways that you can solvethis problem. Make it embedded to yourself so that the... I think the, [00:16:00] The barrier from the normal or the barrierfrom the real to the artificial or the augmented reality world.
[00:16:07] Hisyam: It's still quite jack to bridgebecause it's still not as seamless for me in five personal opinion. Yeah, it's
not as seamless as you want it to be right now. And as long as I think it, it
comes down to three factors, the user experience where, you know whether we can
actually take.
[00:16:22] Hisyam: We can just spend more hours in thevirtual and augmented reality. I think augmented reality is still a very good
area to explore. Because so far for now, I think most of us has been has been
exposed to virtual reality. Headsets such as Oculus. Or HTC Rift some of the
headsets that is offered in the industry.
[00:16:41] Hisyam: So I think these are the experiencesthat we are more familiar with because I, it brings me to my second point,
which is the price point. I think back then, back in 2013 where this is not a
very popular topic. The headsets are really expensive. Yeah. And so coming to
right now [00:17:00] where you can actually getAquest two for 20 $50 the price point is actually quite affordable at this
point of time.
[00:17:05] Hisyam: So I think that's that's the secondmost important factor, you
[00:17:08] Andrew Liew: know, in in
[00:17:09] Hisyam: us adapting to the. Virtual reality oraugmented reality. I think the price point plays a very important role. And I
think augmented reality is still, the headsets are still a bit more expensive
than what double Consumers can afford.
[00:17:22] Hisyam: Definitely,
[00:17:23] Andrew Liew: Microsoft, have you heard of theHoloLens? Yes.
[00:17:25] Hisyam: Yeah, the price point is still quitesteep price point over there. But I think definitely in the near future, when
it comes to the price point that consumers can afford or can are willing to
fork out to to get augmented reality headset,
[00:17:39] Andrew Liew: then I think it
[00:17:40] Hisyam: can be it can be as popular or evenmore popular than control.
[00:17:45] Andrew Liew: Yeah I think there's a the Giantsalso talking about prototyping or improving these products such they'd be as
cheap as eventually I don't remember the good old days where mouse, like you
said a laptop used to be causing [00:18:00]five, $10,000 back in the 1980s. Now, like the same laptop, if even 10 times,
the capability is only say one or $2,000.
[00:18:08] Andrew Liew: Now, the smartphone is now, for1, 000 you have, is almost 20 times the capability as you compare to a laptop
5, 10 years ago. So we are seeing more and more powerful devices at cheaper and
cheaper price. And I won't be surprised, or we shouldn't be surprised in the
next 3 to 5 years, like I say, the Oculus Rift will be the same price as
Logitech Cam Camcard like those camcorder, which is now about 30, 50 bucks
[00:18:37] Andrew Liew: Yeah, definitely,
[00:18:38] Hisyam: definitely. I think you made a verygood point. In terms of the price point definitely we will actually get to see
hopefully in 3 to 5 years these devices being kept in the known. Yeah and my,
my we discussed about the first two points, right?
[00:18:51] Hisyam: Reset threads and cost. So my, thethird point which is also as important as actually the the technology behind
it, the [00:19:00] support behind it. Forexample, now... At this point of time I think people are developing
applications for VR and AR very fast.
[00:19:07] Hisyam: Definitely, once the various once thedeveloper ecosystem is more vibrant for this particular platforms. And I think
we definitely can see more use cases of this VR and AR being used in a
multitude of industries. The sky's the limit in terms of the AR and
[00:19:22] Andrew Liew: VR. Okay, cool. So let me ask youanother interesting question. What is the... Now a recent book or your favorite
book that you read in the recent times? Either in regards to ai, digital or
life, what, any books that you recently read.
[00:19:37] Hisyam: Yeah, I think one of the books thatPerry Reading.
[00:19:40] Hisyam: Cause I, I am actually getting into alot of I'm actually trying to learn a lot of blockchain
[00:19:45] Andrew Liew: technology right now.
[00:19:47] Hisyam: Yeah, that's definitely one of the oneof the things that is upcoming. For blockchain, I don't think there are any any
books to reference from because there are actually a lot because most of the
most of the resources are actually in different various [00:20:00] websites.
[00:20:00] Hisyam: I think one of the websites that Iknow I can recommend is actually One of the, essentially the one by finance. I
think there's a lot of a lot of resources over there with can read up. And it's
some, the websites actually like ARI reports where they actually give you the
state of let's say decentralized finance, the state of AR and VR in, in terms
of the blockchain space all this stuff.
[00:20:21] Hisyam: Reading out a lot of these reports bythese companies that have done immense research in these areas. So I think
those are the Those are the companies or those are the websites that I really
frequent right now. And also companies like Goldman Sachs all these various
companies, they're actually releasing a lot of reports.
[00:20:38] Hisyam: So I think those are a good way tostart to see where a macro view of where we are at this point of, at this point
of time in terms of consumer adoption. And also blockchain development.
[00:20:49] Andrew Liew: Okay. So to the folks out therewho's listening to this podcast, I think ham will share with me the resource
site, like the Binance website and what is the other name of the
[00:20:59] Hisyam: [00:21:00]other block?
[00:21:00] Hisyam: Yeah, you mentioned report. Ari
[00:21:02] Andrew Liew: Report. Yeah. And at the sametime, Gomez Gomez Sachs. Go. Goldman Sachs. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And then next
interesting question I'm gonna ask is, so what is your. Number one app that you
use on a daily
[00:21:14] Hisyam: basis and
[00:21:15] Andrew Liew: why?
[00:21:15] Hisyam: That's a very Very tough questionbecause I use a lot of apps on a daily basis.
[00:21:20] Hisyam: But I think one of the apps that I useA lot more, the main app would definitely be Telegram. A lot of communication
involved And I'm actually involved the various Blockchain groups and at the
same time the child groups also. Actually learning a lot from there. And then
the second most used app that I'm currently using is Discord.
[00:21:37] Hisyam: I think it's actually a really goodcommunication tool for very large groups. Yeah, and, They for this, I do the
user experience that they actually bring, because they, a bit like Slack where
you can actually do a lot of emojis, and there's a lot of emotions involved in
text for for
[00:21:55] Andrew Liew: Discord.
[00:21:56] Andrew Liew: Yeah, talking about Discord,because in my impression, I [00:22:00] don'treally use it a lot of disclaimer, it's my impression is that Discord is almost
like the Slack for gamers. My question is are you like a very strong gamer,
every gamer, or why is Discord one of your favorite apps for communication?
[00:22:13] Andrew Liew: Yeah
[00:22:13] Hisyam: I think they have this stigma thatDiscord is only for gamers, but I beg to differ, because the thing is, for it
started out with gaming, that's where it got popular Discord. Definitely it's
actually a very good communication
[00:22:26] Andrew Liew: tool because you
[00:22:27] Hisyam: can actually do video calls, you canactually do voice calls over there you can actually do an array of different
useful things over there.
[00:22:35] Hisyam: And also at the same time, you canactually have a lot of it's something like Slack, where you have a lot of
different channels that you can go to, and at the same time, at each channel,
you can actually talk. Either voice call or video call. To everyone,
[00:22:48] Andrew Liew: educate me please. In, in otherwords, if that's the case, then why would people still use Slack or Microsoft
Teams for messaging?
[00:22:55] Andrew Liew: Don't have about company or forpersonal people still use like Telegram or WhatsApp. What is [00:23:00] it, what is your view that why Courthasn't taken a dominant view in usage?
[00:23:05] Hisyam: Yeah, I think currently it's it'sused. A lot by gamers. So definitely for enterprise use cases slightly the one
to go to but definitely I think each of the various companies have their own
role to play in a communication in the communication application industry.
[00:23:23] Hisyam: So I do think that each one have theirown pros and cons for depending on your use case. For example, if if I was in
enterprise use case, would be Slack. Definitely integration with a lot of
applications, you can actually Docs. You can
[00:23:38] Hisyam: integrate it to your API API calls alot of use cases. For enterprise users. So for Slack, they do have a lot of
these integrations ready to go. I think definitely such as for, even for
Microsoft Teams where they have a lot of also you can actually integrate a lot
of other applications.
[00:23:56] Hisyam: Yes. Or Microsoft applications withinthe within the application. [00:24:00] Sodefinitely I think that they are competitors and competition is always good to
to, to for innovation to occur. For, and the end consumers benefit the most
because they are the ones. On the receiving end to to do, to really experience
new and innovative stuff and at the same time for pricing people always look
for cheaper alternatives in in this day and age.
[00:24:22] Hisyam: Yeah, so definitely for consumers, webenefit, we we tend to benefit the most from from these various innovations and
[00:24:31] Andrew Liew: competition. Okay, great. Thanksfor sharing with us. And your most favorite app is Discord and Telegram. So
give some interesting tips out there for students who wants to take a career in
the digital space.
[00:24:45] Andrew Liew: What are your top three careertips for
[00:24:47] Hisyam: them? Yeah. Okay. I'll split it intotwo. One is studies and then the Okay. Yes. So for studies, I think seniors are
the most important people. Just us really get to know them better. And because
they [00:25:00] were always willing to sharetheir experiences in, in, in their course of study.
[00:25:04] Hisyam: And also identify good professors orteachers that can help you to understand the various concepts thoroughly. For
example you It might have been that you need to go the extra mile to find a
learning start to, so for example, this back then when I was in year two we
were doing we were actually, me and my friends were doing a very difficult
module on algorithms and over there a lot of the various tutors there was only
maybe one to two, two tutors to actually explain the concepts very well in
which I can understand in which it suit suits my learning style.
[00:25:38] Hisyam: Instead of going to my normal tutoriallesson, I would always go for the other tutors tutorial lesson to, to that
suits my learning style more. So I think go out there to identify go to
different classes, go to maybe part time classes to to identify a learning
style that suits your your your work, your most comfortable with.
[00:25:57] Hisyam: Where you can identify professors thatare willing to [00:26:00] help you out, willingto explain the tough concepts again, willing to explain the tough concepts in a
very simple to understand manner. I think those are the best professors.
Actually go out there or go the extra mile to help their students simplify the
content to help their students understand the concepts easily.
[00:26:15] Hisyam: Yeah. So I think those are theidentify these type professors and also seek out from them as much as possible.
Yeah. So for this, for studies wise and for work wise, is to definitely network
a lot. And have an objective in networking. For example, you want to know, if
I'm a network based guy what do I what do I seek to achieve from whether it be
learning from his experiences, or you want to work with him in the future.
[00:26:42] Hisyam: So have an, identify an objective whenyou start to network start to identify people to network with. Yeah. And also
go out of your comfort zone to talk to people within your team when you start
working within your team and also people outside your team because you never
know when you need help from them or when[00:27:00]and vice versa.
[00:27:01] Hisyam: And lastly, I think mentors play also.Definitely find a group of mentors that if you are having some difficulty in at
that particular point in your life, you can just call them up and ask them
about a particular problem. That you're facing, and they will really give you a
piece of their mind in terms of how do you navigate through these obstacles.
[00:27:20] Hisyam: Yeah so also have mentors that willalways tell you the truth on how test to improve yourself, and also at the same
time, have this particular circle of mentors. I think that's very important to
actually have them, identify them in the early stage. Yeah,
[00:27:36] Andrew Liew: cool. Thanks for sharing with theaudience out there this two aspect in terms of the tips for studies and for
[00:27:43] Andrew Liew: One of the last question is, whatis your ask from this audience? What do you hope to tell the audience that what
do you want from the audience that we can help or we can learn from?
[00:27:54] Hisyam: I think I hope that these out therewho is, who are listening to this just be different [00:28:00]try your own path, you don't have to follow the crowd. I think that, that's the
most important lesson I learned from my uni life. Don't follow the crowd, try
your own path. And at Tragic new experiences because you never know when
they'll be taken away from you, especially this time from non COVID environment
to COVID environment is very different. We tend to miss experiences pre COVID
before COVID happened.
[00:28:22] Hisyam: We tend to miss those experiences likegoing to concerts, going to a dream with. 15 friends if we can't even do that
now going to going studying together in a study group at the same time just,
yeah so in the end just treasure new experiences and. Chart your own path. I
think that's the most important.
[00:28:39] Andrew Liew: So the final message that Hisyamwants to give to the audience out there is to chart your own path and treasure
every moment of your experiences. Thank you so much, Hamm. We have come to the
end of the show and have a good day.